Batch ModeΒΆ

FrackOptima has the ability to run in batch mode. In batch mode, the user specifies an input file in Python source format and optionally an output directory. The simulation then runs and exports results in both .for format, and a zip file of CSV files for each variable.

To get a project in the Python source format, first load the project in the FrackOptima GUI. Then, under File, click “Export to Python Source”.

To run in batch mode, use the frackoptima_batch.exe executable. Here is an example running a file called and outputting to a folder named MyOutput in the current directory:

C:\Program Files\FrackOptima\frackoptima_batch.exe -o MyOutput

The output folder will contain the following:

  • The results in a file called Results.for. This can be opened in the GUI to view the results.
  • A file called that contains each variable in a CSV file.
  • A directory called RawResults. Users can safely ignore this directory; it is the work space for the simulator, and it holds temporary simulation files.